September 9 - September 13

We have had a wonderful first full week and we have been enjoying getting to know your child. This week, students have been writing their story about Where they are Now and Where they will be in 50 Years for Language Arts. They have also enjoyed looking at pictures of what they might look like in 50 years, using an age app!  In Science, we have started our Wetlands Unit and are looking at the different types of wetlands by completing a visual journal page and watching a Bill Nye video.  In Social Studies, we are starting to explore the different provinces, territories and capital cities in Canada and will be labelling and colouring a Canada Map next week.

We now have an afternoon recess break but the students will still be given a snack break in the classroom around 10:30 am and a healthy nutritious peanut -free snack is best for our morning snack (granola bars, yogourt, cheese, crackers, fruit).  You know your child best, so please send enough healthy food to keep your child sustained for a full day of school.  They may also have a snack during afternoon recess if they need it.

Indoor Shoes:
Please send a pair of appropriate indoor running shoes that will remain at the school for the whole year.  Our school rule is to have the kids take off their shoes as they enter the school to keep the hallways clean, so they need to have indoor shoes to change into, when they enter the classroom.  These should be shoes that are comfortable and also appropriate for Phys Ed activities.

Sept. 15th - Conference Manager Opens to Parents to book Conferences
Sept. 19th - Parent Conferences (students dismissed at noon).
        Conferences from 2pm-4pm and 5pm-7pm
Sept. 20th - Non-Instructional Day (Parent Conferences) - Conferences from 8:30am - 1:30pm
Sept. 23rd - 25th Student Photo Days
Sept. 26th - Div II Track and Field  - Field trip:  Volunteers Needed
Sept. 27th - Terry Fox Run
Sept. 30th - Orange Shirt Day

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