October 28th - November 1st

October 28th - November 1st


Thank-You to all the families who participated in our Pumpkinella event.  The students toured all the pumpkins today and they looked fantastic!

In math, we have continued to work on multi-digit addition and subtraction, including solving word problems related to these.  We will be having further review on Monday and then a quiz on these concepts on Tuesday.

We have been studying wetland adaptations and are doing a couple of small projects that will involve applying this knowledge.

In social, we have begun The Amazing Race across Canada.  Most students are finished the Atlantic Region.  We are moving onto the Arctic region next week. We will have a social quiz on the Cordillera, Interior Plains and Great Lakes St. Lawrence regions (on Monday).

We will be retesting spelling (provinces of Canada) on Monday.  Remember to go on Spelling City to practice. The Spelling City website has been shared on their google account.

The City of Ember
We continue to read through the City of Ember.  Students should have the comprehension questions for chapter 1, 2 and 3 completed by Tuesday.   Next week, students will be randomly given classroom jobs similar to what the main characters were given in the novel.

Buffalo Teachings
Ryan Willert has been working at our school painting a mural in our Gathering Space.  The following link is a quick video of his artistic process.


We are only half way done and we are really looking forward to unveiling the whole mural at the end of November. Ryan has also been teaching students about the 4 teachings of the buffalo:
1. Take Responsibility
2. Say Sorry
3. Forgive yourself
4. Forgive others


Pick In and Pack out!
Starting this year, we have been attempting to reduce our SVS ecological footprint by moving towards a “Pack In and Pack Out” philosophy.  Once a student has eaten their lunch or snack, the packaging of that item will be put back into lunch kits and returned home for recycling. In continuing to support this positive change, please provide a locking baggie for items such as apple cores, yogurt tubes etc. The baggie will be returned home with the student each day for composting at home and then could be added back into the lunch kit for the next day.  Help us make a difference!

Please continue to bring in any unwanted shoe and/or cereal boxes for an upcoming art project.


Nov 1st -   Non-Instructional Day
Nov 7th -  Hot Lunch (Subway)
Nov 8th -  Remembrance Day Assembly (10:30AM - 11:30AM)
Nov 11th -Remembrance Day (No School)
Nov. 15th -Pajama Day


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